Home > Uncategorized > Stunning new technology allows parents to hold a life-size model of their unborn child

Stunning new technology allows parents to hold a life-size model of their unborn child

in the past pregnant women was able to see a flat image of their unborn child. Present technology can provide the women with 3D image. But, tomorrow’s technology in the result of a royal college of art design PHD program has made it to allow the parents to hold a life-size model of their unborn child. The person behind this new adaptation of technology is a Brazilian student Jorge Lopes. The technology can also work as demonstration tool for parents whose babies need some treatments or some kind of urgent surgery. The picture below is for a 12 weeks old baby.


Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Ahmed Safer
    October 1, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Really amazing… Sob7an Allah, it’s so tiny..

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