
Archive for January, 2010

Apple iSlate “Finger-Advertising”

January 27, 2010 2 comments

Watch this AD to the itablet ,,,, 🙂  interesting

Categories: Technology

Appleisim effect,,,,,

January 27, 2010 Leave a comment

According to, “that 70% of Fortune 200 companies deploying iPhones to employees” people that’s a big number and from the top 200 companies. Especially if you consider the fact that iphone essence is not expected to have a such support by organizational environment. What do you think?

Recently while I’m posting this, it is almost one hour to the Apple announcement. and as you know the anticipated “itablet/islate/ipad “ whatever the name is we will find out really soon.

Categories: Technology

Itablet or islate,,, whatever it is ,, the announcement is today,,

January 27, 2010 Leave a comment

The Latest News and Rumors

 1/26/2010: The WSJ reports from last-minute negotiations with the publishing industry that Apple’s pushing prices of $12.99 and $14.99 for hardcover bestsellers for the tablet.

1/26/2010: Talking to game devs, Kotaku found out that one tablet game from EA “allows gamers to move a map with one hand and do the ‘mouse work’ with the other, using a combination of multitouch and ‘gestures.’ “

 1/26/2010: McGraw-Hill’s CEO just confirmed on CNBC that Apple’s announcing the tablet tomorrow and that it’ll run an iPhone-style OS, and gosh darn it, it’s “terrific.”

 1/26/2010: The New York Times reports a few worthy bits: The tablet will have 3G, and iPhone apps will be compatible with the tablet. Presuming that’s true, the questions now turn to the carrier(s) and how those iPhone apps will work on the tablet.

1/25/2010: 9to5Mac claims to have talked to some publishers who have the scoop on the tablet, and they say the cost will be “[nowhere] near $1000, as has been reported elsewhere.”

 1/25/2010: The LA Times reports that the NY Times has been cooped up in Cupertino for the last few weeks developing a version of its paper for the tablet. The article also has a quote from a Conde Nast press release in which the publishing giant just comes out and says it: they will develop “more content for the iPhone and the anticipated tablet from Apple.”

1/25/2010: Tech Crunch heard through the grape vine that Steve Jobs said of the tablet, “This will be the most important thing I’ve ever done.”

1/22/2010: Fox News’ Clayton Morris has heard Apple’s “in talks” with both Verizon and AT&T to provide data for the tablet.

Categories: Technology

The universe,,, we are so so small,,,

January 27, 2010 Leave a comment

I found this video on youtube, it is amazing.

Categories: General Knowledge

Charging your phone battery through the Air,,,,

January 22, 2010 Leave a comment

 Is it too early to see this king of technological advancement?

It is actually going to be on market this coming summer. So as the source said, this summer you can charge you mobile phone battery using WiFi signal. Basically using the energy currents that passes through the air all the time. The device name is Airnergy will cost you only a 40$ and it contains a battery of its own and continuously charging itself through WiFi. How long that takes depends on the strength of the signal and number of hotspots available. Then, when your BlackBerry needs a charge, you just plug in the USB end of the device and you’re off. During the demonstration at CES, the Airnergy charged a BlackBerry from 30 percent battery to full in about 90 minutes.

Categories: Technology

All in one website,,,

January 21, 2010 2 comments

It’s an interesting website that house almost all the important site like google,yahoo,gmail, hotmail, and many other ,,

Have a look,

Categories: Technology

Previewman —- really Funny !!

January 15, 2010 1 comment


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Japan Anyone ?

January 15, 2010 3 comments

For some very odd reason  I am very found of the Japanese Culture, although I never Been there, I intend to go  in the near future. Therefore to satisfy my curiosity about the japs  I decided to Google some interesting  facts about  them and this popped up:

1. Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan.

2. Sometimes the trains are so crowded railway staff are employed to cram passengers inside.

3. Japanese celebrate Christmas, but it is more like Valentine’s day in the western world.

4. Poorly written English can be found everywhere, including T-shirts and other fashion items.

5. More than 70% of Japan consists of mountains, including more than 200 volcanoes.

6. Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, is an active volcano.

7. Many Japanese do not know the difference between Shintoism and Buddhism.

8. A nice musk melon, similar to a cantaloupe, may sell for over $300US.

9. There are four different writing systems in Japan, romaji, katakana, hiragana, and kanji.

10. Coffee is very popular and Japan imports approximately 85% of Jamaica’s annual coffee production.

11. Japan’s literacy rate is almost 100%.

12. Sumo is Japan’s national sport, although baseball is also very popular.

13. Sumo wrestlers eat a stew called Chankonabe to fatten up. Many restaurants in the Ryogoku district of Tokyo serve this nabe (Japanese word for stew).

14. Many toilets in Japan have a built-in bidet system for spraying your backside.

15. When you use the restroom in some one’s home, you should put on special bathroom slippers so as not to contaminate the rest of the home.

16. Noodles, especially soba (buckwheat), are slurped very loudly when eaten. It is often said slurping symbolizes the food is delicious, but the slurping also serves to cool down the hot noodles for eating.

17. Japan is the world’s largest consumer of Amazon rain forest timber.

18. Vending machines in Japan sell beer, hot and cold canned coffee, cigarettes, and other items.

19. When moving into an apartment it is often required to give the landlord a “gift” of money equal to two months rent.

20. There are around 1,500 earthquakes every year in Japan.

21. It is not uncommon to eat rice at every meal, including breakfast.

22. Average life expectancy in Japan is one of the highest in the world. Japanese people live an average of 4 years longer than Americans.

23. Japan is the largest automobile producer in the world.

24. The Japanese language has thousands of foreign loan words, known as gairaigo. These words are often truncated, e.g. personal computer = paso kon. The number of foreign loan words is steadily increasing.

25. Tsukiji market in Tokyo is the world’s largest fish market.

26. Although whaling is banned by the IWC, Japan still hunts whales under the premise of “research”.  The harvested whale meat ends up in restaurants and supermarkets.

27. Some men in Japan shave to their heads to apologize.

28. Some women in Japan cut their hair after breaking up with a boyfriend.

29. Tokyo has had 24 recorded instances of people either killed or receiving serious skull fractures while bowing to each other with the traditional Japanese greeting.

30. The first novel, The Tale of Genji, was written in 1007 by a Japanese noble woman, Murasaki Shikibu.

31. The term karaoke means “empty orchestra” in Japanese.

32. In a Sumo training “stable” the junior rikishi Sumo wrestlers must wash and bathe their senior sumo wrestlers and make sure their hard to reach places are clean.

33. Contrary to popular belief, whale meat is not a delicacy in Japan. Many Japanese dislike the taste and older Japanese are reminded of the post-World War II period when whale meat was one of the few economical sources of protein.

34. In their effort to make things cute and cuddly rampant inbreeding of dogs has resulted in one of the highest rate of genetic defects in the world for canines.

35. Raised floors help to indicate when to take off shoes or slippers. At the entrance to a home in Japan the floor will usually be raised about 6 inches indicating you should take off your shoes and put on slippers. If the house has a tatami mat room its floor may be rasied 1-2 inches indicating you should to take off your slippers.

36. Ramen noodles are a popular food in Japan and it is widely believed the extensive training is required to make a delicious soup broth. This is the subject of the movies Tampopo (1985) and The Ramen Girl (2008).

37. On average it takes about 7-10 years of intensive training to become a fugu (blowfish) chef. This training may not be needed in the future as some fish farms in Japan are producing non-poisonous fugu.

38. Ovens are not very common in Japanese kitchens, but most households own a rice cooker.

39. Geisha means “person of the arts” and the first geisha were actually men.

40. It was customary in ancient Japan for women to blacken their teeth with dye as white teeth were considered ugly. This practice persisted until the late 1800’s.

41. In ancient Japan, small eyes, a round puffy face, and plump body were considered attractive features.

42. Some traditional Japanese companies conduct a morning exercise session for the workers to prepare them for the day’s work.


Categories: Uncategorized


January 15, 2010 Leave a comment

I just wanted to post this

Categories: Uncategorized

Parking Has Evolved

January 15, 2010 Leave a comment


This 3D animated Video belongs to a company called WĂ–HR and they specializes in developing and manufacturing parking systems. This video demonstrates one of their projects which is a whole new level of parking. My opinion of the video could be summed up in one word  GERMANS.

This link explains the process in a more detailed manner:

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